Fountain Valley CLASS of '75 Reunion
Message Board
Fantastic Reunion!!!!

Thank you Boni, Cathy, Stephanie and Tracy!!  You guys really did an awesome job on the reunion!  It was soooo good to see many longtime friends.  Have you started planning the next reunion? (haha)  You all deserve a good rest after that.  I had a blast that nite, didn't want it to end :( 

Thank you again ;0)

Cindy Burton (Coopman)

Cindy Coopman
Fantastic Evening!

What a great way to catch up with old friends (as in longtime friends!)!!!  DJ got home fine - I walked him down PCH back to the Holiday Inn!

Thanks to the Hurleys for hosting us at their restaurant after the cruise - very classy!

Glen Holmes

Class of '75

Glen Holmes
What a great time!!!!!

Class of 75, how wonderful it was to see so many beautiful faces!

Ed, I total concur with you.  The committee did such a great job!  Sorry I bumped into that table....... good thing no one had anything on there except purses.  Oopps.  And I hadn't even had anything to drink yet.....

Susanne, I loved seeing you again!  Please call me.  Ed Seffens, Rob Hardman, Steve Perkins, David Martin, Danny Jackson, thank you for such a wonderful evening.  You guy's are soooo handsome.  It's true what they say, things get better with age :) 

Tracy, Cathy, Stephani, & Boni,  Thank you so much for a fantastic blasted from the past.  It is so good to know that no matter what, we are all connected. 

Lola and Nancy, thank you for being such good wife's to your husbands, they are really very special men.

I'm so glad I found mine too.  :)

To everyone, Thanks for a memorable day!!! 

Love Jenette Ventress (Martinez)  xoxoxoxox


P.S. I hope Danny got home safely too.  Danny, make sure to let me know you're ok.  Kiss, Kiss :) 


Jenette (Martinez) Ventress
What a blast!!

Hey y'all!! 

Just wanted to say that we (Lola and I) had a blast lst night!  I really want to thank the organizing commitee for doing such a great job!  It was noce catching up with people I haven't seen in quite a loooong time. :-)  Thanks again and hope to keep in touch.

Be kewl!

Ed Seffens

P.s.- Facebook me if you have an account...

P.s.s- Hope Jackson made it back home okay.

Ed Seffens
Summer time cruising

Hey Barons:

Even if you are like me and can't remember who you knew and don't....come and make it a new experience and meet some old/new friends!!! LOL...see you there!!!

Cathy Marino
Looking forward to the evening

It will be fun to see all of you from the good old days.

Greg Block
Have Fun!

OMG! I can't believe we won't be there.  Beth (class of 80) and I will be on a trip to the Carolinas and to Canada at the exact same time...bad luck.  Oh well, hoist a few back for us as you cruise the harbor.  Go Barons! 

KC Fockler

I'm really looking forward to the Cruise!!!  Suzanna, Hope to see you there.  See Ya......  Jenette

Jenette (Martinez) Ventress
Terry Malone ... Nov 4, 1957 - March 17, 2007

Terry would have a blast if he could be there...and I am sure he would have been a total crack up !!!  Love Ya Brother!

Tom Malone
WOW! 35 years, I feel ancient lol

I am so looking forward to seeing everybody. This should be a really fun night. Is there anything going on the next day? It would be nice to meet up at a park or something. If you guys need any help email me at

Can't wait to see you all there!

Thank you Tracy and Stephani and Bonnie for all your hard work!  Wish I lived closer to contribute.

Norine Buhler Centofante

Tickets are now open to FVHS Classes of ’74-78.  Simply go to the "EVENTS"  page to PURCHASE YOUR TICKETS.  See you soon!

Any Questions?



Tracy Benedix